Tasks completed in weeks 9 to 10
- Merged Pull Requests.
- Explored max-flow algorithms.
- Explored Optimistic Concurrency Control
- Implemented lock-free parallel Breadth-First Search with static load balancing.
- WIP: Implementing lock-free parallel Breadth-First Search with dynamic load balancing
1. Merged pull requests
As we are nearing the end of GSoC, I have been spending more time on getting the code mentioned in previous posts merged into the main LightGraphs repository on Github. This includes:
- Parallel Pagerank with degree based partitioning.
- Parallel Bellman Ford.
- Improved Dijkstra.
- Greedy Heuristics.
2. Explored parallel Max-Flow algorithms and BFS
At the time of writing my proposal, I had intended to use atomic operations to produce parallel implementations of algorithms computing Max-Flow in a flow network such as Edmund-Karp, Dinic and Push-Relabel. From my experiences described in previous posts, I learned that it would be impossible to obtain an improvement in performance by relying on atomic operations. In fact, the parallel Breadth-First Search implementation in LightGraphs is an order of magnitude slower than the sequential implementation on a machine with 20 cores.
After discussing this with my mentor, we decided to focus on parallelizing implementations of graph analysis algorithms without atomic operations or locks. I then came across the technique of optimistic concurrency control
(described below) and attempted to implement parallel Breadth-First Search using it.
3. Optimistic concurrency control
As we have mentioned in previous posts, if multiple processes have read/write or write/write access to the data at a common memory location, it can lead to unexpected an result. This is avouded locks or atomic instructions to maintain the correctness of the code. As mentioned in the above section 2, atomic operations and locks degrade the performance of the parallel code and we might end up with code that is slower than the sequential code.
An approach to overcome this obstacle is to allow data races to occur and then recover from them. Hence, the correctness of the program is not affected by the data races.
Examples of Race Conditions
- Interleaving of Machine Level Instruction.
- Interleaving of Memory Read/Write.
- Compile Time Code Optimisation.
Interleaving of Machine Level Instruction
These are race conditions that can occur due to the fact that a single high level instruction consists of multiple machine level instructions. For example:
Julia Instruction:
Thread 1: a += 1
Thread 2: a += 1
Machine Level Instructions:
Thread 1:
Read a into R_1
Increment R_1
Write R_1 into a
Thread 2:
Read a into R_2
Increment R_2
Write R_2 into a
The programmer might expect a
to be incremented by 2
but find it to be incremented by 1
Since the a += 1
instruction is broken up into multiple instructions, it is possible
the first read instruction sets R_1
and R_2
to the initial value of a
(Lost update).
Interleaving of Memory Read/Write
If the data size is greater than the word size then a single high level read/write operation will be broken up into multiple machine level read/write operations.
For example, If variable a
is of size 16-bit
and the word size is 8-bit
then a single Julia write on a
will consist of two machine level writes as a single machine level write can modify 8 bits
at a time.
Consider a machine with 8 bit word size.
Julia Instructions:
Thread 1: R_1 = 0xFFFF
Thread 2: R_1 = 0x0000
Machine Level Instructions:
Thread 1:
R_1[1] = 0xFF
R_1[2] = 0xFF
Thread 2:
R_1[1] = 0x00
R_1[2] = 0x00
The programmer might expect R_1
to have the value 0xFFFF
or 0x0000
, but the interleaving
of the instructions could leave it to have the value 0xFF00
or 0x00FF
Compile Time Code Optimisation
During the code optimisation phase of compilation, the compiler may modify the code to improve performance without considering the effect of other threads modifying the data. For example,
a = 1
dists = zeros(Int64, n)
for i in 1:length(dist)
dists[i] += A
Thread 1: a = 2
The compiler may modify this during compile time code optimisation as:
a = 1
dists = zeros(Int64, n)
for i in 1:length(dist)
dists[i] += 1
Thread 1: a = 2
Hence, none of the changes made to a
by thread 1 will be noted by the other threads.
Some languages allow data to be marked as volatile
to inform the compiler that
the data may be modified externally and the data must be accessed.
Julia does not have this functionality.
Note: It should be kept in mind that the compiler may reorder read/write operations to improve efficiency.
For the remainder of this blog post, I will be assuming that the following statements are true:
I) If
multiple threads have read/write access to a variable and every write is preceded by a read then
the first read will obtain the correct value.
For example:
a = true
n_t = nthreads()
a_read_true = falses(n_t)
@threads for thread in 1:n_t
if a
a = false
a_read_true[thread] = true
At the end of this code, the programmer can expect that at least one entries in a_read_true
will be set to true.
Justification: This is a reasonable assumption because the programmer always expects a read operation to succeed when a write operation is not occuring concurrently. Since every write operation is preceded by a read, the first read operation must have occurred without any concurrent write operation.
II) If multiple threads write the same value into a variable then at the end of the multithreaded loop, the variable will have the common value.
For example:
n = 100
A = zeros(Int64, n)
indices = rand(1:n, 1000)
@threads for i in indices
A[i] = 1
At the end of this code the programmer can expect that:
a) If i
is in indices
then at the end of the loop, A[i] = 1
b) If i
is in indices
then at the end of the loop, A[i] = 0
Justification: The machine level instructions of write are idempotent. Hence, interleaving of the machine instructions has no effect.
It should be noted that this axiom is true only if the write operation A[i] = 1
only manipulates the data located at A[i]
. If the size of the elements of A
are less than the word size, this will not be the case.
III) If a write operation does not change the value of a variable then concurrent read/write will not cause a race condition.
For example:
Initially, a = 100
Thread 1: a = 100
Thread 2: b = a
The programmer can expect that b
will read a
as 100
Justification: Even if machine level instructions are interleaved, the value of a
will not change throughout the write operation.
4. Lock-free parallel BFS with static load balancing
Breadth-First Search is used to find the minimum hop distance (Equivalent to distance with unweighted edges) from some sources to all vertices in a graph.
function gdistances!(g::AbstractGraph{T}, sources::Vector{<:Integer}) where T<:Integer
n = nv(g)
vert_level = fill(n, typemax(T)) # Minimum Hop Distances
visited = falses(n)
cur_level = Vector{T}()
next_level = Vector{T}()
sizehint!(cur_level, n)
sizehint!(next_level, n)
@inbounds for s in sources
push!(cur_level, s)
vert_level[s] = zero(T)
visited[s] = true
n_level = one(T) # The level being explored
while !isempty(cur_level)
@inbounds for v in cur_level
@inbounds @simd for i in outneighbors(g, v)
if !visited[i] # i has not been explored yet
push!(next_level, i)
vert_level[i] = n_level
visited[i] = true
n_level += one(T) #Increment the level
cur_level, next_level = next_level, cur_level
sort!(cur_level) # For Cache Efficiency
return vert_level
As you can see, the program explored the graph starting from vertices in sources
When a vertex i
was explored for the first time, its level (vert_level[i]
) was set to the current iteration number (n_level
In the parallel implementation, each thread t
its own next_level
list (next_level_t[t]
In each iteration of the graph exploration, cur_level
is partitioned to provide each thread its own set of vertices to explore ().
Each thread t
iterates over a vertex v
in its own partition
and explores i
in outneighbors(g, v)
. If i
has not been explored yet (!visited[i]
) then the thread pushes i
into next_level_t[t]
function unweighted_fast_partition!(num_items::Integer, part::Vector{UnitRange{T}}) where T<:Integer
prefix_sum = 0
num = length(part)
for t in 1:num
left = prefix_sum
prefix_sum += div(num_items-1+t, num)
part[t] = (left+1):prefix_sum
function parallel_gdistances!(
) where T <:Integer
n = nv(g)
visited = zeros(Bool, n)
old_visited = zeros(Bool, n)
vert_level = fill(typemax(T), n)
next_level_t = [Vector{T}() for _ in 1:nthreads()]
vert_level = fill(typemax(T), n)
cur_level = deepcopy(source)
sizehint!(cur_level, n)
for s in source
visited[s] = old_visited[s] = true
vert_level[s] = zero(T)
n_level = one(T)
partitions = Vector{UnitRange{T}}(undef, nthreads())
while !isempty(cur_level)
unweighted_partition!(partitions, length(cur_level))
@threads for v_set in partitions
t = threadid()
next_level = next_level_t[t] #Each thread gets its own next_level array
for v in v_set
for i in outneighbors(g, v)
if !visited[i]
visited[i] = true # Race condition
push!(next_level, i)
@inbounds for t in 1:nthreads()
for v in next_level_t[t]
if !old_visited[v]
old_visited[v] = true
push!(cur_level, v)
vert_level[v] = n_level
n_level += one(T)
sort!(cur_level, alg = QuickSort) #Cache Efficiency
return vert_level
The only data that multiple threads have read/write access to is the visited
array. The old_visited
array is used to ensure that no vertex is explored multiple times.
Data Races
A data race can occur on the visited
array if 2 threads are iterating exploring vertex u
, w
and a vertex i
is present in both outneighbors(g, u)
and outneighbors(g, w)
. Recall that each thread has its own next_level
for i in outneighbors(g, v)
if !visited[i]
visited[i] = true # Race condition
push!(next_level, i)
It can be inferred from axiom I & II that these data races do not compromise the correctness of the program.
Note that this implementation uses a boolean array, whereas the sequential implementation uses a bit array. This is to avoid the complication explained in axiom II which occurs when write operations are not independent.
nthreads() = 4
sources = [1,]
g = random_regular_graph(200000, 400)
(|V| = 200000, |E| = 40000000)
gdistances(g, sources)
: 136.482 ms (9 allocations: 4.60 MiB)
parallel_distances(g, sources)
: 90.917 ms (28 allocations: 10.73 MiB)
g = loadsnap(:ego_twitter_u)
(|V| = 81306, |E| = 1342310)
gdistances(g, sources)
: 13.741 ms (6 allocations: 1.25 MiB
parallel_distances(g, sources)
: 13.046 ms (26 allocations: 3.88 MiB)
As you can see, BFS on g = random_regular_graph(200000, 400)
obtained a good speed up while BFS on
g = loadsnap(:ego_twitter_u)
showed almost no difference. This is likely because the degree distribution of the the latter graph is less uniform that the former and hence, leads to poor load balancing. Using better partitioning techniques such as optimal_weighted_partition
to obtain better load balancing provides no benefit as the partitioning runtime exceeds the BFS runtime, making it impossible to improve performance. I will try to overcome this issue using dynamic load balancing techniques.
5. Lock-free parallel BFS with dynamic load balancing
The idea is, each thread t
will be provided its own cur_level
array (cur_level_t[t]
) as well as its own next_level
array (next_level_t[t]
). During each level exploration,
each thread t
will explore all the vertices in cur_level_t[t]
Once it has finished exploring the vertices in cur_level_t[t]
, the thread will steal
vertices from other cur_level
arrays and explore them until there are no unexplored vertices left in cur_level_t
I will be refering to the BFSCL algorithm presented in the paper title Avoiding Locks and Atomic Instructions in Shared-Memory Parallel BFS Using Optimistic Parallelization by J. Tithi et al. As one can expect, this implementation will be much more complicated than the statically load balanced implementation.